Monday, 7 December 2015

10 Simple Ways To Stay Healthy And Practice Good Nutrition While Running A Business

Author: Annalaura Brown

Staying healthy and practicing good nutrition while running a successful business is a must. As the saying goes your true wealth is your health or another way to put it would be; If you don’t have your health, then all the wealth in the world won’t matter. However, for many business owners and especially for women business owners actually making your health a priority can be easier said than done.

Here are 10 simple ways to stay healthy and practice good nutrition while running a successful business.

  1. Have a plan. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Not only is this number one on the list but I believe that it is the number one most important. Good planning is a must. You must plan to have food health and to practice good eating, drinking and other healthy habits or it simply will not happen. I recommend taking 1 hour or so on Sunday night to plan out your meals, snacks, and exercise time for the coming week. Then actually follow your plan throughout the week. Make sure you take note of any times when you will not be home during a meal time, or when you will need to otherwise have ready to go food on hand. Then make sure to always have healthy snacks and on the go foods with you.
  2. What does your body need for maximum health and nutrition? While there are basic rules of good health and nutrition that apply to everyone, one diet does not fit all and staying healthy requires that you have an understand of what you need to stay healthy. If you do not know, then enlist the help of a health coach like myself, or another professional such as a chiropractor or other wellness professional.
  3. What form of exercise do you enjoy? The number one reason many people do not exercise is because they think they have to run, do aerobics or something else that they hate. If you hate the form of exercise you chose, then you will not do it. It really is that simple. Brainstorm ideas about the kinds of exercise you enjoy and then schedule time each week to do it.
  4. Practice self-care. While everyone needs time for self-care, business owners need it even more. Running a business is not easy and it can be very stressful. Taking time to care for yourself will make your business run even smoother. While self-care can look differently for everyone, some of the things that many people enjoy include: massage, acupuncture, pedicure, manicure, spa treatment, taking a nap, going out to dinner with a friend etc.
  5. Commit to working specific business hours and do not go over ever. Working 100 hours her week will not serve you, will cause health problems over the long term and in most cases will not really make you enough additional income to make it worth doing.
  6. Consider hiring a health coach to help hold you accountable and to help you figure out what areas are lacking in your health and nutrition and to assist you in getting and staying healthy.
  7. Find ways to minimize your stress. There are studies that show that stress causes more than 70% of all illnesses. If you are under a lot of stress a lot of the time, then you need to find ways to reduce your stress. For many people numbers 4 and 5 can help. For others you may even need to restructure or change the kind of business you are in.
  8. Set goals for your health just like you do for your business. Make them realistic, measurable and set a deadline. Then figure out what you need to do for each goal to make it a reality.
  9. Invest in your health just like you do in your business. Examples of things that you may need to invest in for your health include herbs, supplements, massages, chiropractic treatments, acupuncture treatments, health coaching, and healthier more organic food.
  10. Be accountable for your own health and healthy habits or the lack thereof. If you are way off track then you may need to take a break for a few days from your business to get your health back on track. You can do it and you must do it for the sake of your business and your life. 

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